Extended search allows you to distinguish the location from the job title. We recommend to use Extended Search only in case if Easy Search can not handle your request in the way you wish.
Search Jobs by Company: You can search all jobs in a particular company from Job Clouds link (on the bottom), or you can use the following syntaxes :
Example1: company:"EMC Corporation" Will return all jobs at EMC Corporation.
Example2: unix company:"EMC Corporation" Will return all unix jobs at EMC Corporation.
Example3: unix san francisco company:"EMC Corporation" Will return all unix jobs at EMC Corporation in San Francisco area.
Easy search allows you to enter all information you are looking for in a single search box, and it recognizes what you mean. You don't even have to think about the order because Easy Search will recognize the job title, city state, and country no matter the order you enter them. For example, if you enter one of the following key phrases
- project manager san francisco
- San Francisco project manager
- project manager san francisco california usa
- project manager san francisco ca usa
- project manager san francisco usa
- san francisco project manager usa
you will get the same result - all jobs within San Francisco area. More, you can narrow or extend the size of the geographic area using the job search preferences link.
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